英語で伝える「日本の行事」 3月 ひな祭り

目次 [非表示]
Dolls’ Festival:ひな祭り

We have Hina Matsuri on March 3rd. It is a traditional event, which is also called Momo-no-sekku, or a seasonal ceremony of peach blossoms.
Hina Matsuri is a festival for girls. Parents display special dolls called Hina and pray for the healthy growth of their daughters.
In English, it is often translated as “Dolls’ Festival” or sometimes “Girls’ Festival,” “Dolls’ Day,” and so on.
英語だと、「Dolls’ Festival」「Girls’ Festival」「Dolls’ Day」などと訳されます。
The first Dolls’ Festival for a baby girl is called Hatsu Zekku. Some families have formal parties and invite their relatives.

Like other traditional ceremonies in Japan, the Dolls’ Festival was formed based on ceremonies from China, to which Japanese customs were added.
In ancient China, they held ceremonies for celebrations and the purification of themselves on the day of double odd numbers in calendars, such as March 3rd or May 5th.
In ancient Japan, there was a custom to use dolls for purification. They also had a habit of displaying dolls as icons against evil spirits. These customs and the March ceremonies from China were combined, and the upper-class people began to hold a festival on March 3rd to celebrate or to purify themselves by using a pair of dolls.
This festival became common among ordinary people in the Edo era. Eventually, the ceremony on March 3rd was considered a festival for girls, reflecting the thought that dolls were toys for girls and the trend that May 5th was seen as a day for boys.

At the Dolls’ Festival, we offer and eat Hishi Mochi, colorful and piled up rice cakes with diamond shapes, and Hina Arare which are bite-sized sweet rice crackers.
Clam soup is relatively common as food for the Dolls’ Festival. A pair of clamshells, which are fitted perfectly with each other, is a lucky charm for a happy marriage in the future.
Many people also eat Chirashi Zushi. It is a type of sushi made of vinegared rice topped with various ingredients, such as seafood, egg, and vegetables.
Recently Dolls’ Festival cakes have become popular. These are cakes decorated with ornaments of Hina dolls and peach blossoms.
Types’ of Hina Dolls:ひな人形の種類

The basic type of Hina doll is a pair of a male and a female representing a married couple.
A gorgeous type of Hina doll is a set of seven steps on which many dolls and ornaments are displayed. Most of them represent the marriage ceremony of ancient emperors in Japan.
At the top of the stairs, basic Hina dolls are displayed, representing the Emperor and the Empress.
On the second step and below, several dolls are displayed. They represent servants for the emperor and the empress, for example, three ladies who pour sacred alcohol, five boys who perform music, and so on.
Hina dolls are the art of traditional craftwork so they are more expensive than ordinary dolls. Their average prices range from tens of thousands of yen to hundreds of thousands of yen.
These days more and more people display only the emperor and the empress dolls, instead of displaying certain types of many dolls.
Traditional craftwork Hina dolls are generally expensive. However, the other types are also sold as seasonal ornaments, such as paper-made dolls or wooden sculptures that are small and cheap. Would you like to get them as souvenirs?

Traditionally, it is said that bad luck will come if Hina dolls are displayed only for the day of the Dolls’ Festival or, on the contrary, if they are left for a long time after the festival without being put away properly.
Many people hesitate to throw away unnecessary Hina dolls as ordinary trash. Therefore, some temples have many Hina dolls that were donated, and some people dispose of Hina dolls after having farewell ceremonies for them at temples.
Around March 3rd, many exhibitions are held for historical Hina dolls.
In some cities, events for the Dolls’ Festival are held by entire communities. People can visit traditional homes and see Hina dolls that have been passed down for generations. There are also events where numerous Hina dolls are displayed on the long stone steps in front of temples and shrines.
There are some events where children wear beautiful dresses and act as Hina dolls. Why don’t you go to such events?
- Doll’s Festival:ひな祭り
- seasonal ceremony of peach blossoms:桃の節句
- bite-sized sweet rice crackers:一口サイズの甘い米菓子、あられ
- purification:お祓い
- colorful and piled up rice cakes with diamond shapes:色とりどりの積み重ねられたひし形の餅、菱餅(ひしもち)
- offer:お供えする
- emperor:お内裏さま、天皇