英語で伝える「日本の行事」 2月 節分

Last day of the season:節分

In February, we have a traditional event called setsubun.
Literally translated, setsubun means “division of seasons.” According to the old calendar, which was used in Japan long ago, setsubun means “the last day of the season.”
Strictly speaking, each of the four seasons has a setsubun, but in present Japan, setsubun is the word for the winter season.
Setsubun usually takes place on February 3rd. There are times in which it takes place on February 2nd or 4th, as the date is actually determined by astronomical conditions. We perform many interesting rituals on Setsubun.
Bean throwing:豆まき

The most representative event of setsubun is mamemaki, or the bean-throwing ceremony.
Mamemaki is said to be an act of driving away evil demons from houses.
The basic way of mamemaki is to throw irimame, or roasted soybeans, around the house while shouting, “Demons out, fortunes in!”
In mid-January, they begin to sell packs of irimame and masks of demons, with red or blue skin and a few horns.
The roots of mamemaki are from the court ceremony to expel jaki, invisible evil spirits, in China in the ancient era. In the Heian era, it became a New Year’s Eve ceremony to drive away evil demons by making huge noises. This custom became a ceremony like that of the present setsubun in the Muromachi era, for example, by shouting “Demons out, fortunes in!” and using beans and being held on the day of setsubun. Then this custom spread to commoners.
Today, mamemaki is an enjoyable event at preschools and elementary schools, and for families with young kids.
Adults put on masks and act as demons, scaring kids or running away after being thrown beans.
In some areas, people called toshiotoko and toshionna play important roles, such as throwing beans in shrines or temples. Toshiotoko and toshionna are the people who were born in the year of the same eto of the present year. Eto is a calendar system of ancient China circling by the dozen years.
After the mamemaki, people eat as many beans as their age.
As for why soybeans are used to ward off evil spirits, there have been many myths passed down, without any established theories.
The roots may have had influence from the original ceremony from China, which used various beans and cereals, and from the action of scattering grains of rice which was done to expel evil spirits in ancient Japan. In addition, soybeans were cheap and easy to get even for commoners.
Sardine’s head put on holly twig:柊鰯(ひいらぎいわし)

Hiiragi-iwashi is the most standard ornament of setsubun.
Hiiragi means holly, iwashi means sardine. Hiiragi iwashi is a grilled sardine’s head put on a sprig of holly with leaves and placed as a decoration at the entrance door.
We decorate with hiiragi iwashi because demons are said to hate the smell of sardines and the thorns of holly leaves. It is similar to garlic as a vampire repellent.
Since the Heian era, there has been a custom of decorating a fish’s head and a holly sprig on New Year’s in Japan.
In the old calendar, setsubun sometimes came in December. As time passed, this may have caused the confusion of three events, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s, and setsubun, which led to the present setsubun ceremonies as time passed.
Regional differences:地域差

Along with other traditional ceremonies, setsubun ceremonies have regional differences.
In northern Japan, many families throw unshelled peanuts, not soybeans. Peanuts became commonly used after the World War II due to their good taste and ease of cleaning up.
In some areas, they throw not only beans but candies, drink green tea with soybeans put in, or eat sardines as well as decorate them.
People shout, “Demons in!” not, “Demons out, Fortunes in!” in some regions, temples, and shrines, because of reasons such as that their deity is a good demon.
Sumo wrestlers, in the Shinto religion, are considered to own sacred power which expels evil spirits by stomping. So, some religious facilities prefer to invite the wrestlers to celebrate setsubun.
Well-known celebrities are also popular as guests of setsubun ceremonies.
Fortune sushi roll:恵方巻

Ehomaki, or fortune sushi roll, is a special sushi roll eaten on the day of setsubun.
Ehomaki has several rules for eating. One person must eat one roll completely, while facing the eho, or lucky direction, of the year. Until finishing eating, you must keep silent. And you must not cut the roll into pieces but bite into the whole roll.
Ehomaki is a relatively new setsubun ceremony. This custom is said to originate in Osaka. Being promoted by the major chain of convenience stores and supermarkets, it became nationwide in the 2000s.
Ehomaki has become popular maybe because it looks gorgeous on mass media or social media, it is good to enjoy with family members or friends, and it can be cooked freely due to the lack of history.
- the last day of the winter season:(現在で使う意味での)節分
- bean-throwing ceremony:豆まき
- demon:鬼
- Demons out, fortunes in!:鬼は外、福は内!
- evil spirit:邪気
- sardine’s head put on holly twig:柊鰯(ひいらぎいわし)
- fortune sushi roll:恵方巻
- lucky direction:恵方、縁起のよい方角